Store Hours

Open Tuesday - Saturday, 12 PM ~ 6:30PM

Shut Sunday & Monday

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Ya, ya, ya...
It is more difficult in Skagway--we have no curbside pickup--but we do what we can. And what You Say Tomato does is offer bulk items to reduce packaging, re-use plastic bags for check out, and collect glass and aluminum which we take to the City's recycle center on Fifth Avenue. We also collect unsellable produce and coffee grounds for compost, most of which goes to the community garden. If you have goats or chickens, we're glad to have you bring a labeled bucket to collect this produce for them. Our corrugated cardboard is collected and taken to the City's bailer to be shipped to a recycler. Questions or suggestions? Let us know!

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